Latest Purchases:
- New projector and sound system in the hall
- Additional School Reading Scheme books to supplement the current library of resources
- New laptops for children
- 16 IPads
Latest News:
Are latest project is to raise money to fund new smart boards for each classroom.
A HEART WARMING TALE- A lovely gentleman came into school on Friday morning enquiring how much money we were short to purchase the new iboards outright? Amazingly he proceeded to write a cheque for the £4000 shortfall! The kind gentleman (who would like to remain anonymous) simply said he was a very grateful grandparent.
So with the help of the Over Hulton Community Group, a few generous large donations and lots of hard work from the PTFA we are now the proud owner of 7 iboard touch boards that will transform lessons for years to come.
Welcome to St. Andrew’s PTFA,
As a parent/friend of the school we would love you to get involved. The good news is, you are automatically a member! We hold meetings approximately once every half term in an informal setting where you will be able to meet other like-minded people and maybe even make some new friends. Don’t be shy, we’re a friendly bunch.
St. Andrew’s PTFA has been a vital part in raising funds for the school for many years. This has been possible because of its dedicated members.
In the past we have funded outdoor play equipment, new laptops, a stage to show our wonderful performances and organized many social events for the children including popular movie nights and school discos. Many of which simply wouldn’t be possible without our help.
Okay, so why should you get involved?
- Budgets at every school are tight. Money raised in school fundraisers is often used to pay for those little extras that can make a school a special place to be.
- Helping at PTFA fundraising events helps you get to know your kid’s teachers better and understand the way the school works and all the problems, challenges and joys they find in their work.
- Children love you to be involved in ‘their world’ and that you are there for them, taking an interest and sharing their experience.
- Talking to other parents helps you and them. As we all find out, kids don’t come with instructions. No sooner do we feel we have learned to deal with one thing and there is something else to address. Sharing experiences and parenting tips helps us all.
- Everyone has different talents and skills they can bring to the PTFA. The best PTFAs are inclusive and find ways of incorporating all the different things that people can offer. Be that a fantastic cookie recipe for a cake sale, an ability with something like graphic design or computers or the commitment to run the weekly football training.
Any questions? Please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address below.
See you soon!
Natalie Mollart (Chair)
Useful Links
Files to Download
St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606
[email protected]