Early Help


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Early Help means providing support as soon as a need emerges, at any point in a child or young person’s life.

In Bolton we refer to Bolton’s Framework for action which provides guidance on how Early Help will facilitate high quality, collaborative working that is holistic and supportive.  For early help to be effective, we work closely with partner agencies to:

  • Identify children, young people and families who would benefit from support
  • Undertake an assessment of need.
  • Provide services to address those needs.
  • Review progress to ensure that positive change has happened.

Factors which may indicate a student may benefit from Early Help

  • Has medical conditions or special educational needs
  • Is privately fostered
  • Persistent absence from education
  • Fixed term exclusions and at risk of permanent exclusion
  • Has Mental health needs
  • Returned to family from care or stepped down from social care involvement
  • Family circumstances presenting challenging for the student such as parental drug, alcohol, mental health issues and domestic abuse
  • Is at risk of modern slavery trafficking or exploitation
  • At risk or being radicalised or exploited
  • Frequent missing from home
  • A family member in prison or affected by parental offending
  • Showing signs of being drawn into anti-social behaviour, criminal behaviour including gangs/OCG
  • Misusing drugs or alcohol
  • Young carers
  • Honour based abuse such as FGM or forced marriage

We are committed to early help and the identification of unmet needs and vulnerabilities of our students. Our staff are aware of the Early Help process and understand their role in identifying emerging problems, sharing information with other agencies and for some staff acting as the lead professional in undertaking early help assessments and co-ordinating support.  We support the wellbeing of children, young people and families by tackling emerging needs at the earliest opportunity and prevent them from getting worse.

A referral to Targeted Early Help Services will be made where the support provided by us at an Early Help level is no longer effective.

Bolton’s new Integrated Front Door has aligned Children’s Social Care and Early Help. Contact details- 01204 331500 Option 1 Early Help, Option 2 Social Care.

Early Help access point telephone number – 01204 331501

The Early help Assessment and review form can be found here

To refer to the Targeted Early Help Team an online referral form can be found here

All Early Help Assessments and reviews are sent to [email protected]

St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606

With God's Help We Aim High