School Uniform

School Uniform

We have a school uniform of which we believe encourages and promotes an identity and pride in school and prevents discrimination. All children are expected to wear school uniform. School colours are royal blue and white. A school logo is optional.

Essential Uniform Items

Royal blue V-neck pullover or cardigan

Tie - school colours.  It is essential that all children wear the branded school tie.

Shirt / blouse – white / light blue

School skirt, pinafore or regulation school shorts or trousers - grey or black

Black flat shoes – not boots.

Optional Uniform

After the Easter break - blue and white summer dresses can be worn but are not essential, plain grey/black/white socks or tights

Royal blue cardigans and pullovers without the school logo can be purchaed from the main supermarkets but it would be preferable, where possible for children to wear cardigans or pullovers with the school logo. It is essential that all children wear the branded school tie.

*Branded items such as pullovers, cardigan and ties are avaliable from the school office or from Whittakers School Wear

From Reception, all children wear our recommended uniform with shirt or blouse and tie.

Children may bring trainers for playground wear only; these should be able to be taken on and off very quickly at the start and end of break times.


Pupils should have their shirt/blouse tucked into their trousers  /skirt; school shirts and blouses should be suitable to wear with a tie.

Long hair should be tied back or up and hair bands should be simple and discreet in an unobtrusive colour - blue to match the school uniform would be great. Please avoid extreme hair styles such as any shaved patterns or mohicans.

Make up, false nails , hair dye colouring  and nail varnish are not allowed.

PE clothing

Children should come to school in their PE / Games kit on their timetabled days for PE and Games lessons

PE Essential Items:

Plain white Polo shirt - not T-shirt

School sweatshirt or cardigan

Plain black tracksuit bottoms, shorts or leggings


For indoor sessions – Plimsolls and Plain black shorts (these can be worn or kept in PE bag with plimsolls)

PE plimsolls and shorts should be kept in school during the week in a drawstring bag which will be provided free of charge for new reception children. These can also be bought from the school     office. Please label all your child’s items of clothing. Unclaimed items of lost property are disposed of at the end of each half term.

Details of all stockists and approximate costs can be obtained from school.


Children should not wear jewellery to school - this includes bracelets, charity bands, chains or necklaces. Older children may wear their watches but are responsible for these themselves. These must not be Smart Watches due to safeguarding and privacy reasons. School will not be responsible for any loss or damage that might occur. Earrings are not permitted. Parents will find that these rules are in line with our two main feeder High Schools.

Personal belongings

Parents are advised not to allow children to bring expensive items to school.


Due to lack of cloakroom space, children may not bring large bags to school. All new reception children will be provided with a book bag for reading books, homework etc. These can also be bought from the school office.


St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606

With God's Help We Aim High