About Us - Ethos, Aims and Values.

About Us & Our Core Values

A warm welcome to you and your child from St Andrew’s CE Primary School website.

St Andrew’s C.E. Primary School is a vibrant school community offers a rich and varied curriculum for children in Reception to Year 6, where we promote the fun of learning and the pleasure of achievement. It is hoped that children will be ‘hungry for learning’ and leave our school wanting more!

All St Andrew’s staff, teaching and non-teaching, are dedicated to assist in your children’s development to the best of their ability. We are also committed to working alongside parents, parish and local community to ensure that it has a real and warm family feeling! I trust you will always feel welcome, and that our doors are always open to you and your family so that we can then more easily and efficiently work together for the benefit of your child and all those in our school.


While we celebrate all our children’s gifts and talents and recognise the growth they make as an individual the school is proud that results have also consistently been above the national average.

As a strong Church School, we enjoy close links with St. Andrew’s Church and the local community. We are delighted to work and learn alongside Rev. Vinny Whitworth who leads worship in school or Church once a week, and we regularly hold services in Church to which you are always welcome.

I hope you will find our web site useful as a source of information for our welcoming school, where your child’s stay will be happy and one where you as parents can feel you belong. If you can’t find what you need, do not hesitate to be in touch. Alternatively, if you would like to visit our school and see our school ‘in action’, please do contact us for an appointment, you will be most welcome.

Simon Charnock – Headteacher


Mission Statement

We believe that St. Andrew’s C.E. Primary School exists to provide life’s main opportunities for our children guided by and learning from the example and teaching of Jesus Christ.

These opportunities come from an ethos and curriculum that provide maximum learning experiences for each individual child, no matter what their particular learning abilities may be.

We will aspire to a curriculum which results in the enjoyment of learning, children who feel good about themselves and in which everyone can be good at something. We will encourage pupils to show tolerance and respect for each other, set themselves high standards, to take pride in their work and do their best.

We will provide curriculum enrichment activities including first hand experiences, creative opportunities, visits and visitors.

We will offer every child the chance to achieve as much as they are able.

We will achieve high standards for all children, giving them secure foundations for future learning and success in life.


Growing in Faith, Hope and Love. 1 Corinthians 13:13

Our school will continue to be a happy, welcoming and inclusive Christian environment, where everyone is treated equally and expectations are high.

We will provide a safe, caring and stimulating environment in which every individual is cared for spiritually, morally, intellectually, physically, socially and emotionally, guided by the values of our Christian faith.

We will combine high standards with a broad, balanced and rich curriculum which encourages creativity and inspires a commitment to lifelong learning.

We will focus our teaching and learning on the needs, abilities and enthusiasms of individuals, providing a tailored approach to supporting all pupils according to their needs.

We will work in partnership with parents, parish and stakeholders to place our school at the heart of the community it serves.

We will build on our strengths and drive our own improvement, set ambitious and challenging targets, whilst facilitating opportunities for everyone to be the best that they can be.


Love, Trust, Confidence, Hope, Friendship, Forgiveness, Co-operation


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Our school has close links with St Andrew’s CE Church and The Church of England Diocese of Manchester.

Please click on the images below to take you to their websites.




St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606

With God's Help We Aim High