PE Newsletter 15.11.21

Week Commencing 15/11/21

If your child has trainers with laces, they must be able to tie them by themselves. 

All children should have black pumps in school for indoor PE lessons.

No earrings as in line with our uniform policy, including clear studs.


Monday 15th  

8-8.45 – KS2 Football Club

PE for Year 2 and Year 5

3.30-4.30pm   Ju-jitsu Club

3.30-4.30pm    Athletics and Running Club

Tuesday 16th

8-8.45am Dodgeball Y5&6

PE for Year 1 and Year 3

3.30-4.30pm   KS1 Outdoor and Adventurous Club

4-5.30pm – Y5&6 Futsal tournament at St James’ a separate letter has been sent for those involved.

Wednesday 17th

8-8.45am  KS2 Fitness Club

PE for Reception, Year 4 and Year 6

3.30-4.30pm   Y1, Y2 and KS2 Dance Club

1-3.30pm – Tag Rugby Competition (separate letter sent for those involved)

Thursday 18th  

8.8.45am KS2 Girls’ Football Club

PE for Year 4 and Year 6

3.30-4.30pm   KS2 Outdoor and Adventurous Club

Friday 19th          

8-8.45am Tennis Club

PE for Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3 and Year 5

3.30-4.30pm   Dodgeball Y3 & Y4





St Andrew's C.E. Primary School
Crescent Avenue,
Over Hulton,
Tel: 01204 332606

With God's Help We Aim High